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Michael, we said it would come back and it has. The House is going to vote Wednesday on extending the pay freeze through at least 2013. We need you to call your Representative immediately – this is your chance to make a difference before they vote.
Call your Representative right now at 1-888-775-3148 on your personal phone and tell them: Vote NO on H.R. 273, the federal pay freeze extension bill.
This vote is about the working and middle class Americans who take care of our veterans, guard our borders, maintain our military's hardware, and keep our environment and workplaces safe and healthy. It will determine whether or not hardworking people like you receive a belated and modest 0.5% pay increase after more than two years of frozen pay.
The total sacrifice by federal employees so far is $103 billion over ten years. Aren't you tired of being an ATM machine?
Please make your call right now, by dialing 1-888-775-3148. You'll be connected to your Representative's office. Urge them to Vote NO on H.R. 273. Tell them that the attack on hard working, middle income Americans must stop.
This vote is about a GS-3 nursing assistant in a VA hospital psychiatric ward who has now gone over two years without a pay raise, while a defense contractor still makes $750,000 a year. It's time to turn the tables and ask contractors to pay their fair share.
The loyal Americans who make up the civilian federal workforce have already done more than their part to address the budget deficit. Please take a moment to remind your Representative of that before they vote.
J. David Cox, Sr.
President, AFGE
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